Joy in the Moment: What’s Your Why?

By Joy Pape


At this time of year you may think of the changes you want to make in your life. I agree with wanting to be the best you can be or even just ‘better’ in an aspect of your life. 

Many have been unsuccessful in carrying these changes out, at least for the long-term. Why? It could be the way we look at making these changes. We often look at the ‘to do’s’ instead of WHY we want to make these changes. People usually don’t want to change without a reason.

For example, you may want to lose some weight. You make plans about what you will and won’t do. You decide to follow this or that way of eating along with an exercise program. It’s not that these things don’t work. Rather, I’ve found they don’t work long-term if the plan doesn’t first identify WHY you want to do this as well as WHAT is in your way of taking the actions to achieve your goal.

Rather than just looking at the “goal,” consider the actions you are willing to take to reach your goal. 

GOAL — I Want to Lose Weight

WHY? I want to prevent diabetes, look better, feel better, be healthier and be more active.

WHAT IS IN MY WAY? You will most likely find out it’s your habits that stop you. A habit is something one does repeatedly, often unconsciously. This step includes identifying the habits that get in your way. 

ACTION. Make a do-able action plan. Include things you can and will do “one step at a time.” Replace one of your habits for another. So, if you think you are a ‘couch potato,’ that means you don’t get up and move. Rather than plan to work out for 30 minutes every day, start with something a bit simpler. For example, get up and get things yourself rather than asking others to get things for you. In time, you’ll find you’re no longer a ‘couch potato’ because you got up and moved. 

I love the wisdom of Mark Twain’s quote:  ‘Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any one, but coaxed downstairs one step at a time.”

Decide on your WHY, take small steps, and have some joy in the moments as you finally succeed to make the changes you’ve wanted in your life.